¿Hablas Español?

I’ll be back in 10 minutes (more or less). I’ve been home for about a week now.  It’s weird, to say the least.  Everything is the same, my house has to many cats, my dad is obsessed with a new (ugly) car, my nephew is going through his terrible twos, and my grandmother is drinking […]

No te Vayas, Miss Jaclyn!

For the past semester, I’ve spent every Tuesday morning teaching English to a class of fourth graders at a local elementary school.  Anyone who knows me, knows just how comical this is.  This being because 1. I don’t like kids and 2. Kids don’t really like me and 3. I don’t wake up before noon. […]

Roma, Italia

There is something I need to admit right up front. My only expectation I had for Rome never was fulfilled.  I was not discovered by a Roman back stabbing pop star as an Italian singer’s doppelgänger and forced to play a sold out concert at the colosseum.  But I guess Rome was still pretty cool. […]

مغربي (Morocco)

This weekend I learned I was uninformed.  I was ignorant.  I was wrong. I was 9 years old.  I was getting ready for school just like any other morning.  My mom was in Pennsylvania visiting my grandparents and was supposed to fly back that day.  My grandfather had gotten very sick and my mom decided […]

Paris is Always a Good Idea

Audrey Hepburn could never be wrong.  Therefore, when my mom offered me a 7 am flight to Paris the morning after Halloween, I decided that even then, Paris is always a good idea.  This little decision did almost end up with me having to go to the airport in my gypsy/genie costume from the night before. […]

Los Días de Sevilla

Note to self: Never drink coffee before siesta.  I don’t care how tired you are, being awake during siesta could not possibly be more boring in Spain.  Anyways, since I am up while the rest of Spain dreams away, I’ve decided to write about my past few days here.  Unfortunately, I do not have another […]